
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quick Tour of the North Shore

     We got up to northern Minnesota for one afternoon and one night.  This morning, drizzle forced us to change plans (we were going hiking) and head south and east to Wisconsin.  Turned out to be a pretty quiet day, but it was a good reminder that being on a road trip is not about doing one thing after another, but it's about being...opening ourselves to the land we travel through and whatever may come our way.  Before the rain set in, we had a great moment of reflection as the sun rose through streaks of blue clouds over the lake.

The rocky shoreline and the blue waters of the lake meet in tumbled chaos at the north shore.  The coast is evidence of long-ago volcanic activity, and every few miles it seems another river or creek runs channels, often small gorges, through the rock to flow into the lake.  There are many waterfalls, of which we caught only glimpses due to rain, and some fall straight into Superior over small cliffs.  We are told whitewater kayakers will sometimes ride the rivers and the falls, as well.

To end, a quote:

But every one of us are descended from the restless ones, the wayward ones who were not content to stay at home.
                  -John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley  (Speaking about Americans descended from Europeans)

Megan, giving a tree some love.

Split Rock Light House. America's most visited lighthouse.

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